How Staying Around Pets Changes Your Lifestyle

Arooba Ejaz
3 min readMay 13, 2023


Are you feeling depressed or alone? Are you in need of a buddy who can instantly lift your mood? If yes then pets are great companions to spend your time with. The unique bond between the pet and its human is unexplainable yet mind-blowing. According to a 2023–2024 Pet Owners Survey, an estimated 65.1M households in the US owned at least one dog. Here’s how owning a pet can help you cope with anxiety and depression, as well as improve your cardiovascular health.

1. Pets Keep You In-motion

Whether you’re playing fetch, hide-the-treat, or just going for a simple walk with your four-legged friend, these pets keep you moving. Sometimes we forget how a simple walk can positively affect our health; these creatures are sure to remind you. According to Statista Research Department, 50% of French owners walk their dogs for more than an hour.

2. Pets Keep You Healthy

Studies have shown that owning a pet has several health benefits including regulating blood pressure, cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

Playing with your pet can improve levels of serotonin and dopamine, which makes you feel like being on cloud nine. People aged 65 owning pets visit their doctors 30% less than people who don’t. A Survey Conducted in the US shows 80% of Adults aged 50–80 years report stress reduction as a health benefit due to owning a pet.

3. Pets Help You Socialize

Work pressure, retirement, or a busy life routine makes it tough to maintain a social network as you grow older. Pets are a great way to spark a conversation. Dogs can be perfect icebreakers; the moment you see a stranger with a pet, you’re going to strike up a conversation with them that you would’ve avoided if the person was by himself. People with the same pets are eager to interact with each other more comfortably, breaking the “awkward barrier” that strangers have in public, promoting social connectedness

4. Adding Structure to Your Day

Your pets thrive on regular attention and feeding. Creating a punctual routine around your pet makes them comfortable, relaxed, and connected. Pets help you have a routine. No matter how bad your day is or how your mood is, the moment you see your pet scratching at the ground after a nap, you have to get up and feed your pet. You know you need to walk your dog at 4:00 pm regardless of how busy or tired you are, this helps to promote a sense of responsibility in you.

5. Pets Chase Away Loneliness

Pets are affectionate, playful, and loyal. They provide companionship, reducing the feeling of loneliness and anxiety. Sometimes all you need is a hug which pets can fulfill. You can talk about your day to these creatures without feeling judged. Giving attention to your pet makes you feel wanted and distracts you from your problems.


Pets do a lot for us! The least we can do for them is give them proper attention and by being responsible owners by taking care of their basic needs and interest as well as making sure they’re safe.

